The Big Dave Political Party
Photo of party leader: David Wheatley

If nothing else, we are radical.

The New Prime Minister

I would like to thank everyone that voted for taking part in our democracy and showing what they stand for.

Thank you to the whole Big Dave team for constantly backing me in the best and the worst of times. I really appreciate your support and hope you all will continue supporting me for the foreseeable future.

I would like to congratulate all of the other parties for their hard campaigning and for their time yesterday in our final debate and question time. You were all brilliant.

However, now is not a time of celebration for the Big Dave party: we have five years ahead of us, and we need to start putting our policies into effect. As we promised, we will begin with allocating the extra funding to the NHS and our schools which they desperately need.

This was an election of change. And we brought it.

- David "Big Dave" Wheatley


This general election is a chance to deliver real change; change that no other party will bring. This is your opportunity to tranform our parliament and country, so that it works not just for a few, but for all of us. This manifesto sets out how a Big Dave government will deliver this.

Some people say this is the Brexit election. But it's also the climate change election, the poverty election, the healthcare election, the education election. But, above all, it's the change election.

It is finally time to take back the political reigns from the privileged few that control our parliament, and bring that power back to the normal people, like you and I.

I am not prepared to put up with members public blighted by lack of investmemt, endless tax increases, and the world of their children and children's children being forever destroyed by our current harmful habits.

This is an election of change, and I plan to bring it.

- David "Big Dave" Wheatley

Our Priorities

Our campaign priorities are simple, effective, and unique to us.

  • Boost funding in the NHS, hire more staff, decrease A&E waiting times;
  • Reform the education system, improve classroom standards, provide more teaching jobs;
  • Invest in mental health improvement schemes, reflecting our country's changing needs;
  • Become a carbon neutral country by 2040;
  • Reverse Conservative austerity measures;
  • Redesign the country for the many, not the few;

For our full manifesto, extended descriptions, and explanations, read our manifesto & priorities page.

The Team

Image of David Wheatley

David Wheatley

Party Leader

More commonly known as "Big Dave", David has always stood for a country that delivers for all, not a select few. David follows the will of the people, not the entitled.

Image of Matty Brennan

Matty Brennan

Campaign Manager

Matthew Brennan is known for his dashing looks, intelligence, and discovery of the atom (according to him).

Image of James Polhill

James Polhill

Image of Alex Drane

Alex Drane

Image of Sam Grant

Sam Grant

© 2021 - David Wheatley